When it comes to curly girls and boys (...don't sleep on 'dem boys!), Instagram is home to many. HAIRspiration can be found with the flicker of a mouse. With so many beautiful curls to choose from, NHH had to look beyond the hair (which was nearly impossible... but we managed). Not only did we look for gorgeous tendrils, but we also looked for IG'ers who had open dialogue with their followers (talked back to them) and had a strong presence within their local natural hair community. Here's what we came up with! Check out NHH's Top 2014 "CurlStars!"
Instagram: @niathelight
How does it feel to be considered a HAIR-spiration for other Naturals?
It is surreal. I receive so much love daily from so many beautiful women and men. I am sharing my journey with the world; it's the most rewarding thing to have people say I have helped them overcome their situations. It's fascinating how I used to hate what grew out of my head, but now this is what expresses who I am. It is a reflection of my personality ... fun, bold, and in its own world.
If you could go back and change one decision you made when you first went natural, what would it be?
I wouldn't of used heat at all. As soon as I big chopped, I continued to heat style, as that was all I knew. But I would've taken the time to understand my new texture instead of being ashamed of it.
Do you have advice for a new natural hair blogger?
Do not compare yourself to anyone. You have your own journey ahead, so your Level I will not be the same as someone else's Level 20. Keep going, and do what's best for you.
Instagram : @xtlionfro
If you could go back and change one decision you made when you first went natural, what would it be?
I probably would’ve started taking care of my hair earlier. For three years, I did absolutely nothing with my hair. I braided and unraveled, and braided without any treatments. My hair isn’t fragile, but I’ve been properly caring for it now.
What does “natural” mean to you? Natural ... it's simple — what belongs to nature itself. So no chemical action, nothing synthetic or artificial; nothing more beautiful than natural. Natural is the simple truth. Most unnatural actions towards your own body are rather sad. I am talking about straightening, bleaching, too much smoothing. There is no reason to stay in the unnatural. Assuming our nature is beautiful and much simpler than anything; there is nothing better.
What is your favorite hair conditioner and why? I use a curl control and monoi oil. It suits me well because both hydrate and leave no particles; it leaves my hair slightly relaxed, allowing me to go out, hair undone. Brushing is easier.
Instagram: @askpRoy
How does it feel to be considered a HAIR-spiration for other Naturals?
All I can say is wow — It's truly humbling to say the least.
If you could go back and change one decision you made when you first went natural, what would it be?
If I could change one decision I made when I first went natural ... it would be to do it sooner! Now that I have been natural for more than six years and have big chopped yet again, I realize it's not the end of the world when your hair is shorter than you've ever worn it. In fact, I feel so much more empowered this go around, and I'm less concentrated on length. When I first went natural, I wanted a huge 'fro! Now, I am more focused on what looks best on me. I've truly developed my own style throughout my natural journey and I couldn't be more pleased.
Do you have advice for a new natural hair blogger?
My biggest advice to a new natural hair blogger would be to find your voice and be authentic. People will gravitate toward you because they like who you are and what you represent, so there is absolutely no need to be anyone else. Use best practices when it comes to how you handle your hair; don't overdo it or risk damage, and don't feel pressured to fit in with what you think is the norm or the blogger mold. Dare to be different!

Instagram: @simplybiancaalexa
How does it feel to be considered a HAIR-spiration for other Naturals?
I feel so humbled and incredibly honored to be considered a HAIRspiration to other Naturals. I love sharing my experiences and hair routines with others. Even if I only help one person in learning to love and embrace their natural hair, then I couldn’t ask for anything more. It truly is a blessing.
What does “natural” mean to you?
For me, being natural means embracing who you are, everything that makes you unique and owning it. And being confident in your skin
If you could go back and change one decision you made when you first went natural, what would it be?
I would’ve big chopped sooner. Even though I only transitioned for 11 months, I was so scared to part with my long, straight hair. I didn’t realize at the time that the start of my hair journey was also the start of a self discovery; I grew and learned so much about myself in the process.
Do you have advice for a new natural hair blogger?
Be authentic with your audience, people want to know what really works for your hair and what doesn’t. It’s a great platform for discussions, sharing hair care routines, and experiences with one another — so be receptive to the feedback.
What is your favorite hair conditioner and why?
I am always switching up my conditioners so I don’t necessarily have a favorite. But I do think that a good conditioner is one with natural ingredients and lots of slip, something that I can use as a de-tangler and leave-in.
Instagram: @sumetrareed
How does it feel to be considered a HAIRspiration for other naturals?
To be considered as a HAIRspiration to other naturals is completely humbling. I never knew that sharing my journey with others on do island media would grow as much as it has. I am beyond blessed to hear from so many how they are helped by my pictures and videos.
What does natural mean to you?
Natural to me is an inner confidence you have. You are comfortable in your own skin and willing to rock what God blessed you with. Being who you are from inside out and not being confined to society's view of what beauty is.
If you could go back and change one (1) decision you made when you first went natural, what would it be?
If I could change one decision I made at the start of my journey, it would be to not straighten my hair while transitioning. I believe I altered my natural curl pattern with applying so much heat while I was transitioning. Looking back I should have done more roller sets, twist outs or even box braids.
What would be your words of wisdom for a new natural hair blogger?
Words of wisdom for new natural hair bloggers would be to avoid allowing negative comments to get to you. You have to have a tough skin because not everyone is going to like everything you post/share. Just remain confident and just be yourself.
Instagram: @lorenamonroy
How does it feel to be considered a HAIRspiration for other naturals?
Being a HAIRspiration feels a little weird, almost shallow. I had nothing to do with the genetics that mixed to make my hair grow out of my scalp the way it does. What I do appreciate about it is the platform it gives me to share issues that I am passionate about such a self-image, self-esteem, mental and physical health, and living life with purpose and passion.
What does natural mean to you?
Natural to me is being free. Free to express yourself the way you want to. Free to not feel the need to meet other's expectations of what beauty is. Free to not need to fit in people's boxes.
If you could go back and change one (1) decision you made when you first went natural, what would it be?
I have always been natural, but I wish I would have embraced my hair and learn how to care for it earlier on. I would not feel so down on myself for not having long flowy hair like my friends and embrace the beautiful full head of coils I was blessed with.